Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Leaving it all behind

Its hard to say goodbye to something you have enjoyed for a little while. Its even harder to say goodbye when it all ends so quickly and you are left unto yourself. I recently finished the play Peter Pan. Like most plays, you spends months working upon it, making it some grand spectacular thing; then in a few short days it all ends. Minutes to tear apart what months took to build. This one was quicker than most with only four days of production. It really was a great production. I had the enjoyment of playing a pirate again. Hawkeye Pete lived again for a short while. Its really hard to express in a few short words how great the production really was. Now I'm left wondering when I'll see those people again. It won't ever be in the same setting with all of them ever again. For that I am saddened. It has finally come, the time for me to let the show rest, and to look towards the next show. Fare thee well, Peter Pan. Thy days were short and grand.

This blog wasn't created just to talk about the play. I've had a few things I've been keeping inside, letting them build and fester. I'm sure If I had been around people I wouldn't have been the greatest person to be around. I have had more than what I would deem my fair share when it comes to bad luck and hard times. While my whole world was crashing down around me, I lost some part of myself that I should never have let go. Now its time to get it back. I would be the first to tell you that it isn't the easiest thing to look on the lighter side or look for the good in the situation the past few weeks. In reality it sucked. Now I'm ready to move on. I'm ready to look to the good things I have in my life and work from there. Maybe its the coming holiday or something else, but I do feel as if I have a lot to be grateful for. Though times make it difficult to see; if I focus and pray, it is viewable.

I'm going to head towards greater things, shedding the skin of despair. I'm ready for Life's next adventure.

And for those reading, Thanks.


evieperkins said...

Yay! Welcome back to being you. We missed you. :)

That being said, one of the reasons that friends are friends, are because you can break down around them... we're still here.

Matt said...

Seriously! Eve, as usual, speaks the truth.

But, at the same time, a good friend knows when you need to chill in the cave for a while. Either way, you've got people in your corner, man.