Sunday, July 5, 2009

I'm moving out!

Have you ever sat down and took stock of all the things that you have accomplished in the past year and wonder, wow, where did the time go? I am just amazed at how quickly this past year has disappeared.

It has almost been a whole year since I moved out here. Back then I felt that coming here was the right decision. I knew that even if I didn't fully understand the reasoning. I still don't. Somehow in the time that I've been here, I've lost track of a few things. I wasn't supposed to still be living in my Dad's basement, but here I am. I just can't believe it has been a whole year.

Too much time I have wasted. Its time to move on. Its time to move out. I just wish I had the funds to do so. Which means that though I feel it is time to move, I will have to wait a little bit longer until I am financially able to do so. I've been wanting to move out the day I moved in. So what has taken me so long? Why did I let myself be pulled into the doldrums of life? That's not me, that's not what I'm striving for.

No. It is time to move on. Time to actually set and achieve my goals. I'm hoping that in writing this that I can gain the confidence and motivation needed to actually follow through. For it is very hard to get going from being in a stagnant state. But it is time to actually do something. Time to feel like life is worth living again. No more holding back. No more hanging out in the cave just because it is a comfortable place to be. Its time to put myself on the line again.