Saturday, May 8, 2010

Finally Doing It

It's finally happening! I'm finally moving out. Here I sit writing this, my last blog to ever be completed in this residence, I can almost hear the angelic choirs singing a melodious tune. To say I've been waiting for this day for a while would be an understatement. I've been dreaming of this day since the day I moved in. For some reason I seem to have put my dreams aside and dredge through the days.

Now is the time to look to my dreams. Now is the time for action. Now. Now I shall live somewhere else. Where am I going you ask? I'm taking care of an apartment of some friends of mine while they are away at Mack's Inn for the summer.

The only downside to this move is that the apartment doesn't have internet. I guess I'll just have to make due somehow. All I know is things are going to be great!

Well really I need to finish up this blog so that I can pack up my computer and get everything into my new place.

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