Thursday, September 24, 2009

Taking that step.

I'm finally doing it. I'm finally going to do what I've been dreaming of doing. I'm going to do what I've talked about doing for months now.

That's right I'm moving out. The date is set for Oct 1st. Less than a week away. All I have to do now is find a place to live, figure out how I'm going to pay for my own apartment, and hopefully get a full time job to be able to support myself with more than just the first months rent. So it is a little scary and exciting to be doing this, not really knowing where I'll end up or if I'll be able to survive. But it is time to do it. I need to move out. I've wanted to move out. So now is the time.

Someone not too long ago said that when a decision is made, it really doesn't matter how it will work out. If you put your mind to it, it will work out, for the decision is made. All that is left is the doing of it. So I've made my decision. Now I just have to see it through. You don't have to worry about me too much, I do have a plan on how this is all going to work. I should be able to come up with at least the first months rent without a problem. Food could be scarce for a while, but that is just a minor thing. I recently picked up about 6 bottles of jam from my mom, so all I need is bread and peanut butter and I'm set for a while.

Finding a place isn't going to be too tough either. Craig's List is my new best friend. Every day people are posting ads asking for roommates. So really the only problem is finding a full time job. Now this is something that will come, I just know it will.

I had originally written more, but found I was getting off topic and turning my joyous news into something rather depressing. And I wish to end this on a happy note. I'm not sure what the future holds, I just know that I need to do this. Even if it is the wrong time or thing to be doing. I need to do it. I need to get out of this basement, I need to leave my cave. Here's hoping the sun is a shinin'.

1 comment:

evieperkins said...

Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you. I'll have to come see your new place sometime. :)